The Image of the Black Orisha Iemanjá is a powerful and reverent representation of the Queen of the Sea. Ideal for altars and sacred spaces, it symbolizes protection, motherhood and spiritual strength. Use it to invoke Iemanjá's blessings, promoting peace, harmony and healing in your life.
Adittional Info 16x7x30cm
Who is Yemanjá? Yemanjá is a deity of Candomblé and Umbanda, Afro-Brazilian religions that have their roots in the African religious traditions brought to Brazil by the enslaved. Known as the Queen of the Sea, Iemanjá is the mother of all the Orixás, representing fertility, motherhood and protection.
Characteristics and Symbolism: Yemanjá is often portrayed as a maternal and protective figure, wearing blue or white robes, colors that symbolize the sea and purity. She is associated with salty waters, and is seen as the mother of fish and the protector of sailors and fishermen.
Religion and cult: In candomblé and umbanda, Yemanjá is honored with festivals and rituals that take place mainly on February 2, known as Yemanjá Day, especially in the coastal regions of Brazil, such as Salvador and Rio de Janeiro. During these events, the faithful offer gifts such as flowers, perfumes and mirrors, throwing them into the sea in small boats or rafts, asking for protection, blessings and prosperity.
Cultural importance: Yemanjá is a central figure in Brazilian culture, symbolizing not only religious aspects, but also the deep connection between the Brazilian people and the sea. Her cult is an expression of the resistance and preservation of African traditions, adapted to the cultural and religious context of Brazil.