The Image of Obaluaê is a reverent and powerful representation of the Orisha of healing, illness and death. Ideal for altars and devotional spaces, it symbolizes transformation, protection and renewal. Use it to invoke the energy and blessings of Obaluaê, promoting health, purification and spiritual strengthening in your life.
Additional Info 18x8x32cm
Who is Obaluaê? Obaluaê, also known as Omolu, is one of the most respected deities in African religions such as Candomblé and Umbanda. He is the Orixá of healing, illness, death and renewal. Known for his power over health and illness, Obaluaê is often invoked for protection and healing.
Origin and Mythology: In Yoruba mythology, Obaluaê is the son of Nanã and Oxalá. He is often portrayed as a figure covered in straw (azeviche), hiding his body marked by illnesses, which he overcame with his power. This image symbolizes transformation and the ability to heal and renew.
Cultural importance: Obaluaê is a central figure in Afro-Brazilian religions, symbolizing healing, protection and transformation. His influence is felt in the daily lives of devotees, who seek his guidance to overcome illness and achieve spiritual renewal. In addition, Obaluaê is celebrated in various cultural manifestations, such as festivals, music and dance, reflecting his deep connection with Afro-Brazilian cultural identity.