Since 2003, while maintaining its tradition of quality and technology, Barão has expanded its product range, adding different flavours and blends to the already existing line of "Mate and Barão" teas. "Carqueja Barão" tea (Baccharis genistelloides (Lamarck) Persoon) has natural properties that are very beneficial to health. It helps to treat digestive disorders, cholesterol, circulatory problems and much more.
Ingredients: "Carqueja" leaves.
Suggestion: Use one teabag of the "Carqueja" tea for each cup (200 ml) and leave to infuse until it acquires desirable colour and flavour (more or less 3 minutes), sweeten to taste.
Nutrition information Contains no significant amounts of energy values and carbohydrates, proteins, total fat, saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, dietary fibre and sodium.