Chocolate Cake Chocolate Mix - 450g


Who can resist the smell of "Dona Benta®" chocolate cake coming out of the oven? A classic that everyone loves and that makes that family afternoon perfect.

Wheat flour enriched with iron and folic acid, sugar, cocoa powder, vegetable fat, salt, chemical ferments (sodium bicarbonate, acid calcium pyrophosphate, monocalcium phosphate and acid aluminium sodium phosphate), emulsifiers (esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids with lactic acid and esters of acids with propylene glycol) and flavouring.

CONTAINS GLUTEN. Contains wheat and soy derivatives. May contain rye, barley, oats and milk.

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Who can resist the smell of "Dona Benta®" chocolate cake coming out of the oven? A classic that everyone loves and that makes that family afternoon perfect.

Wheat flour enriched with iron and folic acid, sugar, cocoa powder, vegetable fat, salt, chemical ferments (sodium bicarbonate, acid calcium pyrophosphate, monocalcium phosphate and acid aluminium sodium phosphate), emulsifiers (esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids with lactic acid and esters of acids with propylene glycol) and flavouring.

CONTAINS GLUTEN. Contains wheat and soy derivatives. May contain rye, barley, oats and milk.

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